Reunion Committee Options:
Would you like to have input on how things go? Do you like to plan parties and get-togethers? Wouldn't it be fun to work together with classmates?
Below is a list of jobs, projects, and committees that need steering. Please let us know if you can help, or if you can take charge!
Making name badges for the night of the reunion.
Check in/register classmates on the night of the Reunion.
Plan, order, and pick up the food for the picnic on Sunday (we have funds to pay for it).
Help find missing classmates.
Come to committee meetings, just to show your support and share enthusiasm!!!!
Update to Sunday Picnic at Cabin John Regional Park - we have our own space
Hi - From our most recent committee planning meeting this past Monday, Tom Kettler advised us that he was able to "upgrade" our spot at the Cabin John Regional Park to a more "private" area.
This area is located at 7701 Tuckerman Lane. This group picnic area features its own large parking area, rest rooms, a pavilion, a field, a tot lot, a volleyball and badminton area.
I believe if you set your GPS or map app to 7701 Tuckerman Lane Potomac, MD, it'll lead you to the entrance into that private area.
Buddy Cunningham
Picnic Location
Thanks to everyone who looked into picnic pavilion locations. There was an ad hoc reunion committee and they have decided on having our picnic at Cabin John Park. They did quite a bit of research. The price is similar or less to many of the other options, the date was open (July 26) and it's in Bethesda.
Thank youi to Tom Kettler and Amy DeCourt for all the work you put in to finding us a lovely spot!
Laurie Kaye
School Building Tour - looks like a no-go
Regarding the alumni obtaining a tour of the new building, I took the liberty of calling the school this afternoon to inquire about that possibility.
After being passed around by a couple of rather surly people necessitating repeat calls, I finally was connected to the more friendly building superintendant, Eddie Campbell. After presenting our question, he sympathetically advised me that the building will be undergoing extensive renovation involving painting, etc during this coming summer, actually the very first since this building's opening, and access will be extremely limited.
So the possibility of an internal tour appears to be quite unlikely during this summer.
He did offer the possibility of an external tour and to contact him back if there was sufficient interest.
Buddy Cunningham
Looking forward to attending!
Thanks for the update . I'd love to attend .
My email ;
Thank you ,
Elizabeth S. Flower
Elizabeth S.Flower
In Memory.....
Some of those of us who attended Western Jr. High School might remember Clint Bissell.
I learned via another friend & WWHS classmate a few weeks ago that he passed away around mid-March of this year. His passing was "tragic and unexpected" He leaves behind his wife and 5 children. He did not attend WWHS as he and his family moved abroad following our 9th grade year and returned after our WWHS graduation.
Buddy Cunningham
Burning Tree alums
I posted some Burning Tree kindergarten-sixth grade class photos on the Photo Album page...enjoy! Ellen Sheriff Rogers
Ellen Sheriff

My husband, Markus, and I are planning on coming to the picnic!
~~ posted by Nancy Ghormley Hunkeler
Nancy Ghormley