Miami Jackson High School
Class of 1962
50th Class Reunion Photos
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Missing Generals
If you can help us contact a missing general from this list, please click on their name:
Leona Mobley Aggleton
Robert Allen
Ruby Hooper Anderson
Vivian Poire Barger
Sharon Cox Bechtold
William Bonham
Louis Borroso
Donella Printz Bozman
James Brown
Sharon Bryan
Charles Caldwell
Eugene Calles
Anita Huston Cardiello
Sharon Turnman Cook
Carol Crater
Geri Melillo Diem
Bonita Dimuro
Carolyn Campbell Edwards
Delores Wade Feeney
Peggy Freeman
Gloria Ferreira Furness
Julio Garcia
William M. Gay
Richardo Gonzalez
Humberto Guitierrez
Jack Henry
Barbara Young Huff
Douglas Ingram
Linda Melanson Johnston
Nancy Staples Knowles
Rene Orellana Lagos
Roger Langer
Charles Light
Luly Santiesterban Lourdes
Walter Lowery
Michael Malloy
Judith Kapp Marko
Ken McMullen
Gerald Mitchell
Bryan Moore
Pat Pessolano Moore
Heidi Mundwiler
Lloyd Osmar
Marvin Parker
Gloria Tracher Pearson
Julio Perez
Victor Priesto
Louis Renta
Charles Roberts
Princess Ann Robinson
Alberto Rubio
Emma Carpio Shanner
Elena Morgado Shelton
Sandra Kesecker Snellgrove
Cheryl Stack
Fernando Steffens
Ronald Strickland
Jerry Thompson
Clarisse Valdez
Ana Ramos Vives
Joyce Fetch Wagner
Ella Wells Wallace
John Weaver
Joan Chaffin Werneman
Roy Whitsett
Terry Wilson
Gary Yuhasz