Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1964
Aya Betensky
In the past three years, I've retired from web design (my third career after teaching Classics at Cornell and doing editorial and marketing work for scholarly publishing houses). I always liked school and love going back to it through the continuing ed classes at the Osher program at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, where we’ve lived for 21 years now. Before that we lived in New Jersey. I also sing in choirs, read, make story quilts, participate in book groups, and volunteer. My husband, Bob Kraut, a research psychologist, continues to teach and do research in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at CMU, which gives us the chance to visit interesting places for conferences and talks—most recently Shanghai last summer. Two years ago we spent the winter in San Francisco, where our son Joel, a software engineer, lives, while Bob did research at Facebook. Periodically we visit our other son, Dan, a biochemist, and his wife and our 6-year-old grandson and 16-month-old granddaughter in Bryn Mawr, PA. Life is so surprising and unpredictable. I’m sad that my friend Helen Goodman Benjamin didn’t live long enough to reach the 50th but, having missed the earlier reunions, I'm especially happy to be coming to this big one!
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