Paul Hannon
I am Paul L. Hannon, graduate of the Class of 1963. After high school I went to Miami-Dade Jr. College for 2 years with an interest in Electronic Data Processing. Then joined the Air Force and served our great country for 4 years, spending most of my time at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma. Married a local Oklahoma girl while stationed there and decided that Oklahoma would be a nice place to raise a family, and that is where I have lived since my discharge from the military in 1969. Went to work for the computer division of the Honeywell company that same year and enjoyed a 26 year career with them supporting their large scale computer customers. Had 2 wonderful children with my first wife, but unfortunately the marriage didn't last very long. After many years of being single, I remarried, to a great lady named Denise, and we have been together now since 1989. I gained a step-daughter in my second time around, so I now have a total of 3 children, with 6 incredible grand kids, and 2 great grand kids - the true joy in my life. I am still working as the Data Processing Manager of the largest liquor wholesaler in the state of Oklahoma. My wife and I have been trying to take more time off lately, to do some traveling and sight-seeing while we still have good health. I played clarinet in the band all during high school and although I enjoyed it tremendously, music just wasn't the career path for me. My fondest memories were the friendships made in band, and some of the fun times while on trips for away games and state music competitions.
Contact Info:
Paul & Denise Hannon
9700 Weathers Brook Ln
Edmond, OK 73025