Allen Henderson
Allen Henderson, May 2016: Greetings fellow classmates of 1966! I am alive and well and living in Mountain View CA, with Alicia, my wife of 37 years and our teenage daughter (oops!) still in high school. Two sons have grown and flown the nest, and two fine grandchildren. Let's see...I spent some time in the Navy during the Vietnam time after High School, then kicked around Humboldt for a few years, worked with Skip and Lowell and Ritch Wooten at W&W Mobile Homes, did some other random jobs, met a nice gal and got married, went back to finish college at Cal Poly on the GI Bill, worked for 31 years for Ford Aerospace and Lockheed Martin on gov't communications systems, raised three great kids and a few good dogs, and now retired. I don't get to visit Eureka often since Mom passed away late last year, marking the end of our branch of Henderson's 150-year tenure in Eureka. Sad to hear of those who have passed, looking forward to meeting up for 50th reunion. Thanks to the Committee for putting it all together. - Allen H
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