**FACEBOOK SITE: Class of 1960, Petersburg, Illinois
**50th Reunion Pictures 9-17 & 18-2010
??What did you think of the 50th reunion??
**Classmates 1960 and Recent pictures and information
**Grade School Pictures K-8th
** Our 1960 Senior Class Pictures
**PROM PICTURES from Jr. & Sr. years
**Old pictures from around Petersburg
**High School pictures of good times
** Our Past Class Reunions
**1960 Class video site created by Phyllis (Hodgen) Hansen
**Pictures-1960 to present of class members/family
**Deceased Members of 1960 Class
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**-Classmates 1960 and recent pictures
Kathryn Moore (Bennett)
Here goes - a short report of the last 50 years of my life. After graduation from Harris High I went to work for the State of Illinois - Dept. of Public Health. A year later I married Bill Woodrum and during the 8 yrs. of our marriage we have 4 wonderful children (2 daughters and 2 sons). Bill and I divorced in '69.
I married Dick Fritz in 1970 and retired from the State in 1971 to become a stay-at-home mom for my children and Dicks. In 1977 Dick and I had a son. Between my previous marriage and Dick's previous marriage and our son we had 11 children. I went back to work in 1980 at Goodwill Industries, worked there 3 years and then went to work at SIU School of Medicine. Dick passed away in 1988.
I met Jerry Moore, (Lafayette, IN) in 1994 and we married in 1997. I retired from SIU in 1997 and I moved to Lafayette, IN and started work at Purdue University. In 2008 I retired (for the last time - or maybe not) from Purdue and in 2009 we sold out and moved to Hot Springs Village, AR.
I have 3 sons living in Nashville, TN, 1 daughter in Athens, IL and 1 daughter in Benton, AR. I have 9 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.
There it is, my life history for the past 50 years, well, at least part of it.
Hopefully we'll see all of you at the reunion.