James Lick High School All-Class Reunion
Galen Ramos
Hello, Galen Ramos Class of '83 here. I created some "Reunion Boards" for our class for our 10 year Reunion. These contained photos, message grams, notes, albums, ticket stubs, programs, uniforms, Sports-Letter Certificates, etc... and general memorabilia. I still have these series of boards in storage. If you would like to donate anything from the aforementioned items (especially photos! or copies) I would greatly appreciate it to add to the boards. Sorry but I am only looking for memorabilia/pop culture items that would span '79-'83. At this point and time you could just bring the items to the All Class Reunion, but in the future I will have an address set up for mailing them in. I will bring the upgraded (with your contributions) to a future Reunion. Thanks for your visual donations!