Capital High School
Class of 1982
Mary Anne McMahon
Well Hello Everyone!
I look forward to seeing you in August! So much has happened over the past 30 years! I'd have to say that the highlight of it all was getting re-aquainted with Chris Glosser (class of '81) in 2008. Way back in high school, I wanted nothing to do with that young "ranch kid" in Spanish class. So glad I got a second chance! He has been such a blessing in my life! We were married in July of 2010, and life just keeps getting better! We are officially "empty-nesters". Lance (26), Kayte (24), and Shanda (22), along with Chris' kids - CJ (22) and Cori(21) are on their own! They continue to light up our lives and make us so proud of the fine young men and women they have become! Kayte is getting married next Fall, and we hope the others follow soon! Yes, we really want to be grandparents! I teach math at Bozeman High, and absolutely love it! I credit my parents for instilling a love for making a positive difference in the lives of kids in me. In fact, I almost returned to Helena this past year to be closer to family and teach at Capital! Had the finances worked out, it would have been so cool to be a Bruin once again! When we aren't working, Chris and I enjoy visiting our kids, the outdoors, working out, and relaxing at home. Little does Chris know, I am looking forward to cruising in his "new" '97 Jeep this summer! See you all in August!
Mary Anne McMahon
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