Owasso High School Class of 1979
Michael Masten
My Name Is Mike Masten and I had to move from Owasso in 1970. II went to Barns in first grade and then ator heights in 2nd when it opened. I still have vivid memories of many people including the love of my life Nancy Blakestad. I dated a girl backin 1985-89 named Debi Hockenbury at OU in Norman Oklahoma. She graduated from Owasso 1981. My high school girlfriend in Grand Prairie, Texas Moved to Owasso and Graduted in 1980. Debbie Ford. As a touring musician in the late 80's I ran into an on old classmate from 3rd Grade, Mrs. Stinnets class his name is Barry. My friends we're Mark Young, Shannon Kepler, Robert Holt, and many more. The day before we moved Nancy Blakestad and I sat at a football game and held hands. That was in 5th Grade. I found her today 39 years later. P.S. My x-roomate in 2003,In Norman Ok, Derryl Smith is the Brother of Owasso's High Schools football coach. That is some weird stuff.
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