Columbia Central High School Class of 1988
Larry Nevins
Joining the Navy allowed for me to see the world. Visiting more then 60 countries, I had first hand experience seeing different places and talking to people from the different countries.

Just got back last October 2007 from Al Asad, Iraq. This is my 2nd time taking part in the war. 1st time in the 90's while serving on a ship. 2nd time was last year with the Navy SeaBees. Next year I've got 20 years in the military. My wife Mila is from the Philippines. My son is scheduled to go to Spain next month "September".

Currently work as a Network Technician in a telecommunication company for "Level 3".
Planning to be a college professor in 2010.

My goal in life "To learn, teach, and give the respect people deserve". My motto: Strive for excellence.