Julia (Julie) Sanchez (Veyro)
Hello everyone. : ) It has been wonderful seeing many of your faces in pictures and reading about your lives. My husband and I will not be able to attend the reunion, but I'll be thinking about all of you this coming weekend. I hope you enjoy your time together.

I have stayed in Lubbock thus far in my life. I received my education at Texas Tech. After teaching English for a few years I went to work in the Marketing and Advertising department of a local real estate company. I shifted directions in 2003 and went to work for the USDA-ARS Plant Stress and Water Conservation Lab where I became reacquainted with an old friend who is now my husband. We have one son who is 2-years-old and I am now a full time mom.

Again, it was so good to see many of your faces and read about your lives. Until our paths cross again peace and blessings to all of you.