Tennessee School for the Deaf Class of 1977
Eddy Laird
Hello, Class 77'ers!

30 years?!? No, it can't be!

I still have fond memories of you when I first came to TSD in 1975 and do remember how proud I was to see you graduating in 1977. I have often wondered how you have been doing. I am indeed proud of my association with TSD! Why? Because of you! Thanks for giving me wonderful memories! (and some headaches, too - grins)

I will check your web site from time to time. Thanks to Martin (Teltser) for making the web site available for our use.

I sincerely hope you all will have a blast when you get together on Sept. 15! I don't think I will be able to join you that day, but will be thinking of you.

Here's to Class of 1977!

Eddy (Laird)
First as "Cottage E Supervisor"
then Middle School Teacher