South Eugene High School
Class of 1974
Lydia Beckett!
Maximum 2000 words! I'll be lucky to type 100 on this little keyboard. I must say I am glad that high school days are past, but remember them fondly. Wouldn't want to do them again. With age comes a wisdom you just don't have in your teens. I also have found peace living in a small coastal community where everybody knows each other and helps those in need. I like living out in the woods just 8 miles from the beach and away from the valley pollen and traffic and too many people. On a clear night I can see so many stars and it brings such a feeling of contentment in my life. I like just sitting outside reading a book while my dogs run around. I have come to enjoy my own company and like living alone.I have learned over the passing years to really appreciate the important things in my life, my two boys, well men now, but they will always be my boys, my family, my pets and my friends. Material objects just don't seem so important these days . I look forward to reconnecting in person with old friends from the past.
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