Shawn Harding
In the ten years since our last SHHS reunion my family has experienced a few changes. My wife Thalia stepped away from her long career at Blue Cross and Blue Shield in 2002 so she could spend more time with our daughter, Sloane. While she really enjoyed working I think she and Sloane benefit from her decision. Sloane is a fifth grader at Shawnee Heights Elementary and has her mom's looks and smarts. While Thalia was at BCBS she participated in their photo contests and had several winning entries and this year she was published in the Capitol Federal calendar (I tell everyone she's Ms. January). We celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary this past June (2008) and have had a great time getting there!

I continue to pursue my career in architecture. I'm a shareholder at HMN Architects in Overland Park, Kansas. We focus on healthcare facilities and justice/judicial projects. I enjoy designing jails and courthouses which has been my focus for the last 14 years but HMN has allowed me to develop several large hospital projects. While the types of projects sound vastly different there are actually many similarities and the diversity of work keeps things interesting for me.

I still enjoy archery and bowhunting. My successes have led me to write about my experiences with the thought of one day giving Sloane a book. I've published work in Bowhunting, Trophy Hunter, Trail of the Sportsman, Bowhunting World, Archery and Bowhunter magazines.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.