Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1964
Kathryn Grieser Riss

I was that skinny, serious, pony-tailed dancer and Civil Rights activist back in 1964 in the music homeroom with Dr. L. Jeanette Wells. Graduated from UCLA as a dance major, joined the Dance Repertory Company in DC. Still dancing, but just folk and ballroom these days. Also still singing.

Still an activist for social justice and human rights (attended both the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and its 50th anniversary last summer - wearing red hat in "now" pic). Living in NJ, married 35 years, an ordained Christian minister working with the homeless, poor and elderly and active in local NJ Democratic politics.

Worked 10 years as a self-taught programmer doing database development, now just have an office job. Hope to retire at 70 if SS is still there for us!

Sorry the "then" photo is ~ 20 years old. Here's a link to me dancing Scandinavian folk dance (in white): https://plus.google.com/photos/101540846460209595443/albums/6036047226223760737/6036047446245559762?authkey=CIKLptGU1K_tDg&pid=6036047446245559762&oid=101540846460209595443
(The reason why one shoe is black, is that my toe was broken, so I needed the larger size on that foot. That's why I'm hobbling instead of spinning and grimacing instead of smiling!)
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