Rich East High School
Write something for our Memory Book
Nancy Groth*
40 Years. My how the time has flown. Honestly its been a long strange ride. I have 4 children Joe 32, Jack 29, Kristin 27 and Katie 20(almost). I live in FLorida now after 24 years in Colorado and also have lived in Michigan and Illinois after graduation. Held many jobs, including having my own company for 12 years which was successful as long as the real estate market held up and then it was back to the Insurance career. I am divorced and quite frankly am happy to be independent and not answer to anyone for the first time in a very long time. Enjoying the beach, happy hours with don schoenbein and wife sandy, cathy wilkes and husband bill in our neighborhood.
Been blessed that my folks are still alive and well and enjoy getting together with my family at every opportunity! They all come down to my house here to enjoy the beaches!
Planning on settling eventually out west in Reno Nevada. I love the West and miss it, but the beach is doing me just fine right now. I learned you don't have to shovel snow!
My kids are all doing great. On their own, 2 in Denver area, one in San Diego and one here in Florida. Am proud of them all.
Can't wait to rub elbows and go over the last 40 years with you all...hope we see alot of you at "home" in June.
To all my classmates, I hope to see you in June...