Sandy Topping Pierce
Wow! I can hardly believe it has been 50 years. I am so looking forward to catching up with old friends. After graduation, I met the Love of My Life - Roy Pierce (NMHS, class of 64). We married in 1968. Six months later, we both enrolled in Florida Bible College. Our daughter Julie, was born in 1971. In 1973, after college, we went to Caracas, Venezuela, as missionaries. Youth works, starting a church and college Bible studies kept us very busy. God brought us back home after 2 years. Roy worked at Eastern Airlines for 10 years. Our 2nd daughter Michelle, was born in 1976. I worked as a bank teller for Barnett Bank. In 1993, we moved to the Atlanta, Ga., area. Both of our daughters married in Georgia and we live within 2 1/2 miles of one another. We have 1 grandson, Joseph. I cared for my mother for 11 years while she lived with us, then got a job at the Ga. Regional Office of State Farm Insurance, where I worked in accounting. Roy and I both retired in 2008, then traveled the US for 8 weeks. In 2010, we launched the Gospel Pen Ministry, helping others to easily share God's Word and salvation with others. Roy and I look forward to our 50 anniversary in 2018.
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