Pamela Shanks (Smith+)
After SHHS, I attended KU and graduated with both a BA and MsEd (Rock Chalk!). Along the way, I married Craig in '85 and our twin daughters were born in '87. I have always taught at Raintree Montessori School in Lawrence (raintreemontessori.org) where I teach and coordinate a program of full inclusion for children with disabilities (circleofinclusion.org). I also am a consultant for INKS, the Inclusive Network of Kansas (http://www2.ku.edu/~inks/), a project that specializes in technical assistance for school teams of children with severe multiple disabilities and/or deaf-blindness. I am the regional coordinator for SW KS for the deaf-blind project (http://web.ku.edu/~kansasdeafblind/index.shtml) and in my spare time (HA!), I supervise graduate students doing student teaching.

My husband is a Sgt. for LPD and therefore the only member of the family not excited about the prospect for another run at a men's b-ball national title! Our daughter Caitlin will attend law school this fall at the University of Chicago, where President Obama taught. She is hoping for a guest lecture! Her twin, Meghan will also be attending graduate school this fall. She has been accepted to the medical physics program in the medical school at the University of Cincinnati, which is one of the few certified programs in the nation. We are so very proud of both of them...does it show?!!

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