Rich East High School
Write something for our Memory Book
Victoria Sieradzki* (Johnson)
Well forty years later it can be said that I am a reasonably happy grandmother of a three year old Irish imp named Jake! My daughter, Alix, went from being a somewhat spoiled teen prom queen to a very responsible and dedicated emergency room nurse. She must have gotten it from her great grandmother-it certainly did not come from her "please don't show me the blood" mother!! I manage an emissions testing station in Tinley Park and still maintain an active real estate brokers license and pre-license teaching certificate. The fact that I have sold real estate is funny because even with my degree in geography, I have virtually no sense of direction and as a consequence became a very good actress so that my clients would not realize that we were usually lost when we would be out looking at homes. they just thought they were getting a scenic tour! I would have uploaded a picture of my current self, but first of all I haven't got a clue how to and secondly, I did not want to be responsible for frightening innocent readers of this web site! From the photos I have seen on this site our class has aged quite well and I am looking forward to the reunion.