Christie Hodge (Acrey)
At our last reunion, someone asked me about having so many kids and homeschooling and said, "But you were the smartest girl in our class!? What happened?"

This about sums it up:

"Welp, me and the husbend had anuther kid here in our little cabin in the backwoods. She's the sixth one, and she came out sideways, but I didn't scream er nuthin'. The four boys chop all the wood whilst the two girls and me do all the warshin' and the mendin'. The husbend, he goes to the hospitil and works on them dang new-fangled compooters. Me, I stays home and takes care a the two little 'uns and learns the other big 'uns some skool. Course we're all barefoot all day long, so that's nice (least I'm not pregnit agin!) I likes to run in them races they gots, too - sometimes they's like 13 miles - kinda long. And me and the family goes to church a real lot, but not one a them crazy ones where they dance with the snakes or nuthin'. So's anywhos, I guess, followin' the Good Lord seems a little ca-razy, but I s'pose with His blessin', and I praise Him fer it, I's still plenty dadgum smrt."
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