Mark Kornmann
Greetings from what's been rainy California for the last 4 months (we've needed it!)! I'm still doing what I was doing 10 yrs ago pretty much - just not as many baseball games & I'm now splitting my weeks btwn my house & my mom's (just outside of Santa Cruz - 1.5 hr drive when traffic behaves) - she's approaching 91 & has needed a lot more attention since being hospitalized last yr w/pneumonia & taking a fall in January. Fortunately, I have a decent support network there so she's not going broke paying for private care (she has decent health insurance).

What I provided to be used here was 95% from the 40th book, plus what I could add off the top of my head, & from classmates back east (Bills Bake & Yeaman; BJ Shorak; Eloise Ullman; Richard SIlberg; Sharon Aker Hudson) & elsewhere (Jeff Wells & Elliot Pierce).

We were put on earth to have a good time - LET'S DO & KEEP DOING IT AS LONG AS WE'RE STILL HERE!
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