Rich East High School
Write something for our Memory Book
Barbara Lowry
I start supervised practice as a Homeopath this April after lots of diligent work in school. If you look long enough you finally find your bliss. In between time--high school + 40 years--hasn't been too bad either. I'm currently working with my husband of 30 years, Les Zellan, manufacturing Cooke motion picture lenses in England and working in our office, ZGC, Inc. in NJ helping to promote them in the film industry. We have one sweetheart of a son, Peter, age 23 who is a budding recording engineer. Pete's in Florida, Les travels the world constantly and I train back and forth to NYC from NJ three days each month to school so no recent pictures of us together to show off the family. (A Photoshop patch job of family members seemed a little freaky, so here I am solo.)

Sorry I won't be able to be at the reunion. Have a blast. I know you will!