Valley Forge 1967 50th Reunion
George Coseriu
The memories I possess from all of my school years including Ridge Road, Pleasant Valley, Greenbrier and Valley Forge are treasured in my heart. I am fortunate to have grown up when I did. Those formative years of friendships and happiness propelled me with confidence. I feel blessed to have accomplished what I aspired to from childhood. My teachers and coaches inspired me and their words of encouragement have lasted my entire life. My path led to Washington University in St. Louis, CWRU, medical school, training at the Cleveland Clinic in Urology and Transplantation and now staff urologist at the Cleveland Clinic Glickman Urological Institute for 26 years. Along this journey my Valley Forge friendships have endured through highs and lows. Technology has made some things easier but I am grateful that I grew up in Parma when things were more simple and I was part of Valley Forge. It has always been part of me. I have six children, three grandchildren and share my life with my wife Kimberly. Thank you to all of you who were part of my life.
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