Holly Roth (Tompkins)
Hey everyone. Hope to see ya'll at the reunion. My husband has to drive to Birmingham, Al. on Monday after the reunion and since we live in New Orleans he doesn't want to do all of that traveling before he has to do more traveling. Did that make sense? Anyway, since my 13 yr. old daughter is not yet old enough to drive (hey, I thought if they could reach the pedals they could drive? Who made these rules, anyway?) and my 8 yr. old son would be no help whatsoever, I am trying to find someone to come with me. My husband and I have been married 13 yrs. this St. Patrick's Day (what an anniversary date, huh?) and I am a Domestic Goddess (stay at home mom). I am sorry to see that some of the people I was looking forward to reconnecting with won't be there but am looking forward to the ones that are able to make it. Here's hoping I'll see ya'll in a few weeks and ya'll stay safe til' then.