Rich East High School
Write something for our Memory Book
Vic Needham*
Good golly, 40 years ago I finished HS. What a bunch of great memories from those simpler times, like when all phones had wires attached, when a guys hair had to be off his ears, when a collared shirt was worn at school, when gym meant working out at something followed by a shower, when if you had belt loops you had to have a belt, when there were no seat belts in the car, when drugs were not in our school, when prom meant going to C'dale on the train, when basically you knew everyone's name and where they lived, when McDonalds was 15 cents and fries a dime, when there was no 7-11, when smokes were 30 cents and not harmful, when we made floats and had a parade at homecoming, when we had sock hops and other students played music, when there were no gangs or gang fights, when there were no weapons in school aside from a pocket knife, when we called our friends parents Mr. and Mrs., when we could stay out and not worry about what could happen, when we could camp out in the fields of the HS or Central Park, when the Plaza was the place to shop, when I did not have children, or grandchildren, when most family's had two parents, forever, when Grandma or Grandpa lived with us, when most everyone went to church on Sunday, when we played kick the can at night, when if you had a disagreement or fight you made up, when we could and did work on cars in the garage, when Bobby Cartwright and I rented a plane and flew over a nudist camp in Indiana, soooo many more memories and floods more of them as I write.

Ann and I have been married 30 years March 18, 2008, raised two children Daniel John 28 and Juliette Reine 22 (lost one in between these two). We now have Daniel John Jr., 6, & Michael Thomas, 4, as our present grandchild total. The loss of their mother to cancer was the fear of most parents have, I believe, (that we would outlive our children).
Ann and I both graduated from SIU, me is 75, Ann in 79. I obtained my MA in 85 after quitting Grad School to go to work in late 76. Jez, I am still working! go figure.
My adult life with Ann has been a wonderful life, and still is. It is really wonderful to awake each day now, alone, just the two of us (most of the time) like when we were young. Coffee and a fire or on the upper deck in the summer is how I awake each day. Then breakfast without rushing to gather kids and their stuff for the day. I would be remiss if not to mention that Ann goes over to Dan's house almost every school day to be mom to our grandchildren and be sure they are ready for school, clean, fed and loved as they start their day. OK, I go sometimes, but mainly Ann.

I have been a very lucky man, and have lived many dreams since June of 1968. All of my classmates are a part of this life I have been so fortunate to enjoy and continue to do so.

My adult life, with my wife, that is my legacy. It could not get any better, except to be retired.......

Oh, career wise, helped start one of the first therapeutic milieu's for adolescents, worked on the certification process for drug/alcohol counselors, Circuit Court of Cook County for 14 years, designing and implementing the first Community Service Program as alternate sentencing for youth, designed the DUI reporting, monitoring, evaluation and treatment system for Cook County and the State, served on the Certification Board for the state, was director of an Inpatient facility in Joliet and now in private practice. Ah the good life, only Ann as a boss now, I love it and what I do. See ya all soon, Vic