Nick Smyka
Hello: I did attend TC High School prior to graduating from St. Francis. I am lucky that Mike Haley included me in the graduation celebration and I am honored to come.

I have been living in Tampa, FL for a couple years with Syble, my wife and she will be coming to the party as well. We come to TC for a week or two every August as that is a good month weather wise etc. We lived in TC for a year (2003-ish?). Tampa is a nice place to live, it never gets cold. There are only a few skyscrapers in the downtown. I thought Tampa was a mini-Chicago metropolis but its more like a Grand Rapids that is an hour from the ocean.

It will be cool to see people again. Joe Sanock from the St. Francis side will be in town that weekend and wants hang with the TC people if there are extra-curricullar activities extrapolated apart from the main function described by this website.

I will see you in Travese.

Nick Smyka