Ronnie Villegas
Well let's see, where do I start? After high school I joined the Navy for a couple for years, Persian Gulf War, and decided I needed more. I transfered to the Marine Corps and stayed for 4 more years. I thought that I would never come back to Lubbock, but there seems to be a magnet under the city that pulls you back.
I was married for a short time while in the military, divorce is sometimes a casualty of the military life. I have since re-married and life has never been better. My wife< Jennifer has saved me from myself many times over and has blessed me with three wonderful children, Alexis (10), Monica (8) and Michael (3). I work for the Lubbock Sheriff's Office. I haven't been there very long, but I is where I need to be for now.
If you want to get more info e-mail me

Stay safe and I will see you at the reunion!
Semper FI,