Norma Cohen
Hi Cardinals!!! Life is great here in Baltimore (contrary to what you might have heard) and my husband Joel Cohen and I have shared much of our 36-year marriage right here. Yes, that's right, I married a guy with the last name of Cohen! We have one son who lives in Rockville, MD with his wife and a new Granddog. My husband works in wholesale men's clothing and has turned out to be a talented (I think) abstract painter. Check out I work October thru March for Center Stage Theater and have loved doing that for the last 14 years. I volunteer at my local NPR station as well as a food bank and have a "fairly-regular" yoga practice. I have been in a book club for 26 years and a film club for 12, but find that I'm reading less and spending (too much) time online and watching movies. See you all in August!
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