Chris Cherest
Have seen a only handful of you since 1968, and am looking to reconnect just to see what life has wrought with the class of '68. Lots of great things have happned to me and for me since then. Many changes in myself mostly due to the people I chose to associate myself with. I spent a few years after high school working, putting money away and going to college at U of Md. I did a lot of changing with the help of an incredible mentor, a decorate Army officer who retired as a three-star, who change my attitude about life immeasureably. After graduating college, I started a business and married my best friend and the love of my life, Judy Savage, who for over 45 years has continued to help me change and grow unbelievably. She has been rock of m life, giving me the stability in a wife I knew I needed. With her we have raised three awesome daughters who are the crown jewels of both our lives. Because of our family's walk with our Lord and Savior Jesu Christ, we have been so incredibly blessed beyond our wildest imaginations, and have seen so many others come to know the Lord. Together we managed to build a fairly huge marketing business, make tons of friends all over the country, survive a massive cancer scare when Judy contracted leukemia and told by her doctors that she wouldn't make it. By God's grace and favor we were led to alternative cures, beat it and thrived because of it. It only served to make our family stronger. We have been so blessed with an extremely close and happy family. I know that I could not have done all this in my own power, and could not have written a better script for my life without His direction in it. I only hope that all my classmate have all enjoyed the blessings of God Almighty as we have. We praise Him every day. Romans 8:28
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