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Page 27 of 33
View profile »Darlene (Salisbury) Coy
Chatham, MA
View profile »Laurie (Salomon) Robinson
East Providence, RI
Kingston, NY
View profile »Beth (Sapolsky) Nitkin
Little Compton, RI
View profile »Jill (Scharver) Kelley
Wilmington, NC
It just does not seem possible, 30 years... It sometimes feels like yesterday. We moved to Wilmington NC 7 years ago, my parents moved here too, and live a mile away on a golf course!! We love the Ocean and beaches! I now have an 18 year old graduating t… more »
Newton, NH
Riverside, RI
Atlanta, GA
View profile »Colleen (Scott) Smith
Cranston, RI
Scottsdale, AZ
30 years! I refuse to believe...let's all just pretend it's not real! I have been living in Scottsdale, AZ, since 1987, married twice and have been in Real Estate for 22 years. Life is fab!
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